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9 <meta name="description" content="A javascript class that animates a numerical value by counting to it.">
11 <title>CountUp.js</title>
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16 <script src="countUp.js"></script>
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18 <script>
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33<body ng-app="demoApp">
34 <a class="forkMe" href="https://github.com/inorganik/CountUp.js"><img src="../assets/img/forkme_custom_indigo.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
35 <div id="wrap">
36 <header>
37 <div id="github"><a class="block" href="https://github.com/inorganik"></a></div>
38 <div class="leaderLine">////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////</div>
39 <div id="logo"><a class="block" href="http://inorganik.github.io"></a></div>
40 </header>
41 <section>
42 <h1>CountUp.js &nbsp;<small id="version" class="lt-gray"></small></h1>
43 <p>CountUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight JavaScript "class" that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way.</p>
44 <p>Install via npm using the package name <code class="indigo large">&nbsp;countup.js&nbsp;</code> or bower using <code class="indigo large">&nbsp;countUp.js</code>.</p>
45 <h3 class="marginTop marginBottom"><a class="lime weight700" href="https://github.com/inorganik/CountUp.js">Download on Github</a></h3>
46 </section>
47 <section>
48 <p style="position:absolute; top:5px; left:0;">Current stars:</p>
49 <h1 class="jumbo" id="myTargetElement">0</h1>
50 </section>
51 <section>
52 <form>
53 <h4 class="inlineLeft noMargin weight300">Params:</h4>
54 <div class="inlineLeft marginLeft marginRight">
55 <input type="text" value="24.02" id="startVal" style="width:50px" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()">
56 <label class="inlineLabel">Start</label>
57 </div>
58 <input type="button" class="inlineLeft marginRight" value="Swap" onClick="swapValues()" style="width:80px;">
59 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
60 <input type="text" value="94.62" id="endVal" style="width:50px" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()">
61 <label class="inlineLabel">End</label>
62 </div>
63 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
64 <input type="number" value="2" id="decimals" step="1" style="width:50px" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()" onchange="updateCodeVisualizer()">
65 <label class="inlineLabel">Decimals</label>
66 </div>
67 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
68 <input type="number" value="2.5" id="duration" step=".1" style="width:50px" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()" onchange="updateCodeVisualizer()">
69 <label class="inlineLabel">Duration</label>
70 </div>
71 </form>
72 </section>
73 <section>
74 <form>
75 <h4 class="inlineLeft noMargin weight300">Options:</h4>
76 <div class="inlineLeft marginLeft marginRight">
77 <input type="checkbox" onClick="toggleEasing(this)" checked><label class="inlineLabel">Use easing</label>
78 </div>
79 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
80 <input type="checkbox" onClick="toggleGrouping(this)" checked><label class="inlineLabel">Use grouping</label>
81 </div>
82 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
83 <input type="text" value="," id="separator" style="width:15px; padding:0 5px;" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()">
84 <label class="inlineLabel">Separator</label>
85 </div>
86 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
87 <input type="text" value="." id="decimal" style="width:15px; padding:0 5px;" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()">
88 <label class="inlineLabel">Decimal</label>
89 </div>
90 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
91 <input type="text" value="" id="prefix" style="width:15px; padding:0 5px;" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()">
92 <label class="inlineLabel">Prefix</label>
93 </div>
94 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
95 <input type="text" value="" id="suffix" style="width:15px; padding:0 5px;" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizer()">
96 <label class="inlineLabel">Suffix</label>
97 </div>
98 </form>
99 </section>
100 <section>
101 <form>
102 <h4 class="inlineLeft noMargin weight300">Methods:</h4>
103 <input type="button" value="Start" onClick="createCountUp()" class="inlineLeft marginLeft marginRight">
104 <input type="button" value="Pause/Resume" onClick="showCodeAndPauseResume()" class="inlineLeft marginRight">
105 <input type="button" value="Reset" onClick="showCodeAndReset()" class="inlineLeft marginRight">
106 <input type="button" value="Update:" onClick="showCodeAndUpdate()" class="inlineLeft" style="margin-right:2px">
107 <div class="inlineLeft marginRight">
108 <input type="text" value="6789" id="updateVal" style="width:50px" onkeyup="updateCodeVisualizerForUpdate()">
109 </div>
110 <input type="checkbox" onClick="toggleOnComplete(this)"><label class="inlineLabel">Alert on complete</label>
111 </form>
112 </section>
113 <section id="easingSection">
114 <form>
115 <h4 class="inlineLeft noMargin weight300">Custom easing:</h4>
116 <div class="inlineLeft marginLeft">
117 <select id="easingFnsDropdown" class="marginRight">
118 <option value="easeOutExpo" selected>easeOutExpo (default, built-in)</option>
119 <option value="outQuintic">outQuintic</option>
120 <option value="outCubic">outCubic</option>
121 </select>
122 <input type="button" value="Apply easing" onClick="createCountUp()">
123 </div>
124 </form>
125 </section>
126 <section class="marginBottom">
127 <div class="col full marginBottom marginTop">
128 <div class="code-contain marginBottom">
129 <code id="codeVisualizer" class="indigo">var options = {<br>
130 &emsp;&emsp;useEasing : true, <br>
131 &emsp;&emsp;easingFn : null, <br>
132 &emsp;&emsp;useGrouping : true, <br>
133 &emsp;&emsp;separator : ',', <br>
134 &emsp;&emsp;decimal : '.' <br>
135 }<br>
136 var demo = new CountUp("myTargetElement", 24.02, 94.62, 0, 2, options);<br>
137 demo.start();
138 </code>
139 </div>
140 </div>
141 </section>
142 </div>
145<script type="text/javascript">
147 // set CountUp options
148 // you don't need to do this - you can use the default options
149 var useOnComplete = false,
150 useEasing = true,
151 easingFn = null,
152 useGrouping = true,
153 options = {
154 useEasing : useEasing, // toggle easing
155 easingFn : easingFn, // defaults to easeOutExpo, but you can specify your own
156 useGrouping : useGrouping, // 1,000,000 vs 1000000
157 separator : ',', // character to use as a separator
158 decimal : '.', // character to use as a decimal
159 };
161 var demo, code, data, stars, easingFunctions;
163 // create instance
164 window.onload = function() {
165 // setup CountUp object
166 demo = new CountUp('myTargetElement', 0, 94.62, 2, 2.5, options);
167 // you could do demo.start() right here but we are getting actual current star count from github api below
168 // since it is an asynchronous call, we fire start() in the success fn of the XMLHttpRequest object
169 getStars.send();
171 // display version (no hassling with markup!)
172 document.getElementById('version').innerHTML = 'v'+demo.version();
173 };
175 easingFunctions = {
176 easeOutExpo: function(t, b, c, d) {
177 return c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) * 1024 / 1023 + b;
178 },
179 outQuintic: function(t, b, c, d) {
180 var ts = (t /= d) * t;
181 var tc = ts * t;
182 return b + c * (tc * ts + -5 * ts * ts + 10 * tc + -10 * ts + 5 * t);
183 },
184 outCubic: function(t, b, c, d) {
185 var ts = (t /= d) * t;
186 var tc = ts * t;
187 return b + c * (tc + -3 * ts + 3 * t);
188 }
189 };
191 // for demo:
192 function swapValues() {
193 var oldStartVal = document.getElementById("startVal").value;
194 var oldEndVal = document.getElementById("endVal").value;
195 document.getElementById("startVal").value = oldEndVal;
196 document.getElementById("endVal").value = oldStartVal;
197 updateCodeVisualizer();
198 }
199 function getEasingFn() {
200 var fn = document.getElementById("easingFnsDropdown").value;
202 if (fn === 'easeOutExpo') return null;
203 if (typeof easingFunctions[fn] === 'undefined') return undefined;
205 return easingFunctions[fn];
206 }
207 function getEasingFnBody(fn) {
208 fn = typeof fn === 'undefined' ? getEasingFn() : fn;
210 if (typeof fn === 'undefined') return 'undefined function';
212 if (fn !== null) {
213 return fn.toString().replace(/^ {8}/gm, '');
214 }
216 return '';
217 }
218 function createCountUp() {
220 var startVal = document.getElementById("startVal").value;
221 startVal = Number(startVal.replace(',','').replace(' ',''));
222 var endVal = document.getElementById("endVal").value;
223 endVal = Number(endVal.replace(',','').replace(' ',''));
224 var decimals = document.getElementById("decimals").value,
225 duration = document.getElementById("duration").value,
226 prefix = document.getElementById("prefix").value,
227 suffix = document.getElementById("suffix").value,
228 easingFn = getEasingFn();
230 options = {
231 useEasing : useEasing,
232 easingFn : typeof easingFn === 'undefined' ? null : easingFn,
233 useGrouping : useGrouping,
234 separator : document.getElementById("separator").value,
235 decimal : document.getElementById("decimal").value,
236 prefix: prefix,
237 suffix: suffix
238 };
240 // you don't have to create a new instance of CountUp every time you start an animation,
241 // you can just change the properties individually. But I do here in case user changes values in demo.
242 demo = new CountUp("myTargetElement", startVal, endVal, decimals, duration, options);
244 if (useOnComplete) {
245 demo.start(methodToCallOnComplete);
246 } else {
247 demo.start();
248 }
250 updateCodeVisualizer();
251 }
252 function showCodeAndPauseResume() {
253 code = 'demo.pauseResume();';
254 document.getElementById("codeVisualizer").innerHTML = code;
256 demo.pauseResume();
257 }
258 function showCodeAndReset() {
259 code = 'demo.reset();';
260 document.getElementById("codeVisualizer").innerHTML = code;
262 demo.reset();
263 }
264 function showCodeAndUpdate() {
265 var updateVal = document.getElementById("updateVal").value;
266 var num = updateVal ? updateVal : 0;
268 demo.update(num);
269 }
270 function toggleOnComplete(checkbox) {
272 if (checkbox.checked) {
273 useOnComplete = true;
274 } else {
275 useOnComplete = false;
276 }
277 updateCodeVisualizer();
278 }
279 function toggleEasing(checkbox) {
280 var easingSection = document.getElementById("easingSection");
282 if (checkbox.checked) {
283 useEasing = true;
284 easingSection.style.display = "";
285 document.getElementById("easingFnsDropdown").value = "easeOutExpo";
286 document.getElementById("easingFnPreview").value = "";
287 } else {
288 useEasing = false;
289 easingSection.style.display = "none";
290 }
291 updateCodeVisualizer();
292 }
293 function toggleGrouping(checkbox) {
295 if (checkbox.checked) {
296 useGrouping = true;
297 } else {
298 useGrouping = false;
299 }
300 updateCodeVisualizer();
301 }
302 function methodToCallOnComplete() {
303 console.log('COMPLETE!');
304 alert('COMPLETE!');
305 }
306 function updateCodeVisualizer() {
307 var startVal = document.getElementById("startVal").value;
308 startVal = Number(startVal.replace(',','').replace(' ',''));
309 var endVal = document.getElementById("endVal").value;
310 endVal = Number(endVal.replace(',','').replace(' ',''));
311 var decimals = document.getElementById("decimals").value;
312 var duration = document.getElementById("duration").value;
313 var separator = document.getElementById("separator").value;
314 var decimal = document.getElementById("decimal").value;
315 var prefix = document.getElementById("prefix").value;
316 var suffix = document.getElementById("suffix").value;
318 var easingFn = getEasingFn();
319 var easingFnBody = getEasingFnBody(easingFn);
321 var code = '';
323 if (useEasing && easingFn) {
324 code += 'var easingFn = ';
325 var split = easingFnBody.split('\n');
327 for (var line in split) {
328 code += split[line].replace(' ', '&nbsp;') + '<br>';
329 }
330 }
332 code += 'var options = {<br>';
333 code += (useEasing) ? '&emsp;&emsp;useEasing : true, <br>' : '&emsp;&emsp;useEasing : false, <br>';
334 code += (easingFn && useEasing) ? '&emsp;&emsp;easingFn: easingFn, <br>' : '';
335 code += (useGrouping) ? '&emsp;&emsp;useGrouping : true, <br>' : '&emsp;&emsp;useGrouping : false, <br>';
336 code += '&emsp;&emsp;separator : \''+separator+'\', <br>';
337 code += '&emsp;&emsp;decimal : \''+decimal+'\', <br>';
338 code += '&emsp;&emsp;prefix : \''+prefix+'\', <br>';
339 code += '&emsp;&emsp;suffix : \''+suffix+'\' <br>';
340 code += '};<br>';
341 code += 'var demo = new CountUp("myTargetElement", '+startVal+', '+endVal+', '+decimals+', '+duration+', options);<br>';
342 if (useOnComplete) {
343 code += 'demo.start(methodToCallOnComplete);';
344 } else {
345 code += 'demo.start();';
346 }
347 document.getElementById("codeVisualizer").innerHTML = code;
348 }
349 function updateCodeVisualizerForUpdate() {
350 var updateVal = document.getElementById("updateVal").value;
351 var num = updateVal ? updateVal : 0;
352 code = 'demo.update(' + updateVal + ');';
353 document.getElementById("codeVisualizer").innerHTML = code;
354 }
356 // get current star count
357 var repoInfoUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/inorganik/CountUp.js';
358 var getStars = new XMLHttpRequest();
359 getStars.open('GET', repoInfoUrl, true);
360 getStars.timeout = 5000;
362 getStars.onreadystatechange = function() {
363 // 2: received headers, 3: loading, 4: done
364 if (getStars.readyState == 4) {
365 if (getStars.status == 200) {
366 if (getStars.responseText !== 'undefined') {
367 if (getStars.responseText.length > 0) {
368 data = JSON.parse(getStars.responseText);
369 stars = data.stargazers_count;
370 // change input values
371 document.getElementById("startVal").value = 0;
372 document.getElementById("endVal").value = stars;
373 document.getElementById("decimals").value = 0;
374 // change code example values
375 updateCodeVisualizer();
376 // change the startVal and endVal properties of the demo CountUp and run it
377 demo.startVal = 0;
378 demo.endVal = stars;
379 demo.decimals = 0;
380 demo.start();
381 }
382 }
383 }
384 }
385 }
386 getStars.onerror = function() {
387 console.log('error: '+getStars.status)
388 demo.start();
389 }
391 </script>