1 | # vue-svg-inline-component
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3 | [![version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/vue-svg-inline-component.svg?style=flat)][npm]
4 | [![downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/vue-svg-inline-component.svg?style=flat)][npm]
5 | [![license](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/vue-svg-inline-component.svg?style=flat)][mit]
6 | [![paypal](https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-paypal-blue.svg?colorB=0070ba&style=flat)](https://paypal.me/oliverfindl)
7 |
8 | [Vue][vue3] component for inline use of SVG files.
9 |
10 | > ⚠ Compatible only with [Vue@3][vue3].
11 |
12 | > ⚠ SVG files should be optimized beforehand (e.g.: using [SVGO](https://www.npmjs.com/package/svgo) or [SVGOMG](https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/)).
13 |
14 | ---
15 |
16 | ## Planned features for 1.0.0 release
17 |
18 | - [ ] Validate SVG / ~~[is-svg](https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-svg)~~ Bloats modern build with ~20% increase in size, also can be validated manually with transform function (should be enforced if `tag` is set to falsy value)
19 | - [x] Optionally remove wrapper element - [v0.1.0][v0.1.0]
20 | - [x] Transform function - [v0.1.0][v0.1.0]
21 | - [x] Default props overrides
22 | - [ ] ~~Optionally remove SVG before each fetch request~~ Can be achieved manually by setting svg to `null` and via `nextTick()` setting to desired value
23 | - [x] [Fetch options](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch#supplying_request_options) - [v0.1.0][v0.1.0]
24 | - [ ] [Axios][axios] support
25 | - [x] Emits / Events - [v0.1.0][v0.1.0]
26 | - [x] Basic caching - [v0.1.0][v0.1.0]
27 | - [ ] Persistent caching with invalidation mechanism / versioning
28 | - [ ] Lazy loading ([intersection observer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API) + [template ref](https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/component-template-refs.html))
29 | - [ ] ~~Placeholder image / element~~ Can be achieved manually by listening to first `update` event
30 | - [ ] SVG sprites (if not fetch options and not transform function)
31 | - [ ] [.d.ts](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-files/introduction.html) / [tsc](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/intro.html)
32 | - [ ] Analyze transpilled version and tune browserslist / remove modern build
33 |
34 | [Axios][axios] integration details:
35 | 1. Use axios instance if provided
36 | 2. Use fetch if fetch options are provided
37 | 3. Use window.axios if exists
38 | 4. Use fetch
39 |
40 | [v0.1.0]: https://github.com/oliverfindl/vue-svg-inline-component/releases/tag/v0.1.0
41 | [axios]: https://github.com/axios/axios
42 |
43 | ---
44 |
45 | ## Table of contents
46 |
47 | * [Installation](#installation)
48 | * [Usage](#usage)
49 | * [Configuration](#configuration)
50 | * [Examples](#examples)
51 |
52 | ---
53 |
54 | ## Installation
55 |
56 | ### [npm][npm]
57 | ```bash
58 | $ npm install vue-svg-inline-component
59 | ```
60 |
61 | ### [yarn][yarn]
62 | ```bash
63 | $ yarn add vue-svg-inline-component
64 | ```
65 |
66 | ### [unpkg][unpkg]
67 | ```html
68 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-svg-inline-component"></script>
69 |
70 | <!-- or if you target only modern browsers, you can use modern build, which is way smaller in size -->
71 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-svg-inline-component/dist/vue-svg-inline-component-modern.min.js"></script>
72 | ```
73 |
74 | ### [jsDelivr][jsdelivr]
75 | ```html
76 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-svg-inline-component"></script>
77 |
78 | <!-- or if you target only modern browsers, you can use modern build, which is way smaller in size -->
79 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-svg-inline-component/dist/vue-svg-inline-component-modern.min.js"></script>
80 | ```
81 |
82 | ## Usage
83 |
84 | ### Browser
85 |
86 | ```javascript
87 | // initialize Vue app
88 | const app = Vue.createApp({ /* App component */ });
89 |
90 | // register Vue component into Vue app
91 | app.component("svg-inline", VueSvgInlineComponent);
92 |
93 | // mount Vue app
94 | app.mount("#app");
95 | ```
96 |
97 | ### [Vite][vite]
98 |
99 | ```javascript
100 | // import createApp from Vue
101 | import { createApp } from "vue";
102 |
103 | // import Vue component
104 | import VueSvgInlineComponent from "vue-svg-inline-component";
105 |
106 | // initialize Vue app
107 | const app = createApp({ /* App component */ });
108 |
109 | // register Vue component into Vue app
110 | app.component("svg-inline", VueSvgInlineComponent);
111 |
112 | // mount Vue app
113 | app.mount("#app");
114 | ```
115 |
116 | ## Configuration
117 |
118 | ### Default [props](https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/component-props.html)
119 |
120 | ```javascript
121 | {
122 | source: {
123 | type: String,
124 | required: true,
125 | default: null,
126 | validator: validateSvgFilename
127 | },
128 | tag: {
129 | type: String,
130 | required: false,
131 | default: "div"
132 | },
133 | attributes: {
134 | type: Object,
135 | required: false,
137 | },
138 | cache: {
139 | type: Boolean,
140 | required: false,
141 | default: true
142 | },
143 | fetchOptions: {
144 | type: Object,
145 | required: false,
146 | default: null
147 | },
148 | transformFunction: {
149 | type: Function,
150 | required: false,
151 | default: null
152 | },
153 | transformFunctionOptions: {
154 | // type: any,
155 | required: false,
156 | default: null
157 | },
158 | emitUpdates: {
159 | type: Boolean,
160 | required: false,
161 | default: false
162 | },
163 | emitErrors: {
164 | type: Boolean,
165 | required: false,
166 | default: false
167 | },
168 | logErrors: {
169 | type: Boolean,
170 | required: false,
171 | default: true
172 | }
173 | }
174 | ```
175 |
176 | #### Explanation
177 |
178 | * **`source`:**
179 | SVG file URL.
180 | Default value: `null`
181 |
182 | * **`tag`:**
183 | Tag for wrapper element, in which will be SVG rendered. Can be set to `null` or `""` (empty string) if you don't want to use wrapper element, but bear in mind, this approach is more taxing on performance and is not recommended.
184 | ⚠ If `tag` is set to `null` or `""` (empty string), `attributes` (see below) are ignored.
185 | Default value: `"div"`
186 |
187 | * **`attributes`:**
188 | Attributes for wrapper element defined by `tag`.
189 | ⚠ If `tag` is set to `null` or `""` (empty string), `attributes` (see above) are ignored.
190 | Default value: `{ class: PACKAGE_NAME }`
191 |
192 | * **`cache`:**
193 | Response from each SVG file requests will be stored in global variable and will be re-used on all consecutive requests.
194 | ⚠ Cache is not persistent between page reloads (yet).
195 | Default value: `true`
196 |
197 | * **`fetchOptions`:**
198 | User-defined options object for [fetch](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch#supplying_request_options).
199 | ⚠ If `fetchOptions` are set, `cache` (see above) is automatically disabled for this component instance.
200 | Default value: `null`
201 |
202 | * **`transformFunction`:**
203 | User-defined transform function for fetched SVG files. This function will be supplied with fetched SVG file, `transformFunctionOptions` (see below) and component props.
204 | Example: `(svg, options, props) => svg;`
205 | Default value: `null`
206 |
207 | * **`transformFunctionOptions`:**
208 | User-defined options for `transformFunction` (see above).
209 | Default value: `null`
210 |
211 | * **`emitUpdates`:**
212 | Enables emitting update events.
213 | Default value: `false`
214 |
215 | * **`emitErrors`:**
216 | Enables emitting error events.
217 | Default value: `false`
218 |
219 | * **`logErrors`:**
220 | Enables automatic logging of error events.
221 | Default value: `true`
222 |
223 | ### Overrides
224 |
225 | Default value of props could be overwritten as follows:
226 |
227 | ```javascript
228 | VueSvgInlineComponent.props.tag.default = "span";
229 | VueSvgInlineComponent.props.attributes.default = { class: "my-inline-svg" };
230 | ```
231 |
232 | #### Notice
233 | ⚠ Do not try to override other value then default in prop definition, as it can result in component not working correctly.
234 |
235 | ### Events
236 |
237 | * **`update`:**
238 | Fired each time component is updated. Updated SVG is passed as first argument.
239 |
240 | * **`error`:**
241 | Fired each time error is detected. Error event is passed as first argument.
242 |
243 | ## Examples
244 |
245 | * [Browser example](https://github.com/oliverfindl/vue-svg-inline-component/tree/master/examples/browser)
246 | * [Vite example](https://github.com/oliverfindl/vue-svg-inline-component/tree/master/examples/vite)
247 |
248 | ---
249 |
250 | ## License
251 |
252 | [MIT][mit]
253 |
254 | [mit]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
255 | [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-svg-inline-component
256 | [yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/package/vue-svg-inline-component
257 | [unpkg]: https://www.unpkg.com/browse/vue-svg-inline-component/
258 | [jsdelivr]: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/vue-svg-inline-component
259 | [vue3]: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next
260 | [vite]: https://github.com/vitejs/vite