69 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1function _inheritsLoose(e, t) {
2 (e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype)), (e.prototype.constructor = e), _setPrototypeOf(e, t);
4function _setPrototypeOf(e, t) {
5 return (
6 (_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf
7 ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
8 : function (e, t) {
9 return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
10 }),
11 _setPrototypeOf(e, t)
12 );
14function _assertThisInitialized(e) {
15 if (void 0 === e)
16 throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
17 return e;
19for (
20 var byteLength_1 = byteLength,
21 toByteArray_1 = toByteArray,
22 fromByteArray_1 = fromByteArray,
23 lookup = [],
24 revLookup = [],
25 Arr = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array,
26 code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/',
27 i = 0,
28 len = code.length;
29 i < len;
30 ++i
32 (lookup[i] = code[i]), (revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i);
33function getLens(e) {
34 var t = e.length;
35 if (t % 4 > 0) throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4');
36 var r = e.indexOf('=');
37 return -1 === r && (r = t), [r, r === t ? 0 : 4 - (r % 4)];
39function byteLength(e) {
40 var t = getLens(e),
41 r = t[1];
42 return (3 * (t[0] + r)) / 4 - r;
44function _byteLength(e, t, r) {
45 return (3 * (t + r)) / 4 - r;
47function toByteArray(e) {
48 var t,
49 r,
50 o = getLens(e),
51 n = o[0],
52 i = o[1],
53 s = new Arr(_byteLength(e, n, i)),
54 a = 0,
55 c = i > 0 ? n - 4 : n;
56 for (r = 0; r < c; r += 4)
57 (t =
58 (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r)] << 18) |
59 (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r + 1)] << 12) |
60 (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r + 2)] << 6) |
61 revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r + 3)]),
62 (s[a++] = (t >> 16) & 255),
63 (s[a++] = (t >> 8) & 255),
64 (s[a++] = 255 & t);
65 return (
66 2 === i &&
67 ((t = (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r)] << 2) | (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r + 1)] >> 4)),
68 (s[a++] = 255 & t)),
69 1 === i &&
70 ((t =
71 (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r)] << 10) |
72 (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r + 1)] << 4) |
73 (revLookup[e.charCodeAt(r + 2)] >> 2)),
74 (s[a++] = (t >> 8) & 255),
75 (s[a++] = 255 & t)),
76 s
77 );
79function tripletToBase64(e) {
80 return lookup[(e >> 18) & 63] + lookup[(e >> 12) & 63] + lookup[(e >> 6) & 63] + lookup[63 & e];
82function encodeChunk(e, t, r) {
83 for (var o = [], n = t; n < r; n += 3)
84 o.push(
85 tripletToBase64(((e[n] << 16) & 16711680) + ((e[n + 1] << 8) & 65280) + (255 & e[n + 2]))
86 );
87 return o.join('');
89function fromByteArray(e) {
90 for (var t, r = e.length, o = r % 3, n = [], i = 16383, s = 0, a = r - o; s < a; s += i)
91 n.push(encodeChunk(e, s, s + i > a ? a : s + i));
92 return (
93 1 === o
94 ? n.push(lookup[(t = e[r - 1]) >> 2] + lookup[(t << 4) & 63] + '==')
95 : 2 === o &&
96 n.push(
97 lookup[(t = (e[r - 2] << 8) + e[r - 1]) >> 10] +
98 lookup[(t >> 4) & 63] +
99 lookup[(t << 2) & 63] +
100 '='
101 ),
102 n.join('')
103 );
105(revLookup['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62), (revLookup['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63);
106var base64Js = {
107 byteLength: byteLength_1,
108 toByteArray: toByteArray_1,
109 fromByteArray: fromByteArray_1,
110 },
111 commonjsGlobal =
112 'undefined' != typeof globalThis
113 ? globalThis
114 : 'undefined' != typeof window
115 ? window
116 : 'undefined' != typeof global
117 ? global
118 : 'undefined' != typeof self
119 ? self
120 : {};
121function createCommonjsModule(e) {
122 var t = { exports: {} };
123 return e(t, t.exports), t.exports;
125var sha256 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
126 (function () {
127 var ERROR = 'input is invalid type',
128 WINDOW = 'object' == typeof window,
129 root = WINDOW ? window : {};
130 root.JS_SHA256_NO_WINDOW && (WINDOW = !1);
131 var WEB_WORKER = !WINDOW && 'object' == typeof self,
132 NODE_JS =
133 !root.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS &&
134 'object' == typeof process &&
135 process.versions &&
136 process.versions.node;
137 NODE_JS ? (root = commonjsGlobal) : WEB_WORKER && (root = self);
138 var COMMON_JS = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_COMMON_JS && module.exports,
139 ARRAY_BUFFER = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer,
140 HEX_CHARS = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''),
141 EXTRA = [-2147483648, 8388608, 32768, 128],
142 SHIFT = [24, 16, 8, 0],
143 K = [
144 1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748,
145 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206,
146 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122,
147 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891,
148 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700,
149 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771,
150 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877,
151 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452,
152 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298,
153 ],
154 OUTPUT_TYPES = ['hex', 'array', 'digest', 'arrayBuffer'],
155 blocks = [];
156 (!root.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS && Array.isArray) ||
157 (Array.isArray = function (e) {
158 return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e);
159 }),
161 (!root.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW && ArrayBuffer.isView) ||
162 (ArrayBuffer.isView = function (e) {
163 return 'object' == typeof e && e.buffer && e.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer;
164 });
165 var createOutputMethod = function (e, t) {
166 return function (r) {
167 return new Sha256(t, !0).update(r)[e]();
168 };
169 },
170 createMethod = function (e) {
171 var t = createOutputMethod('hex', e);
172 NODE_JS && (t = nodeWrap(t, e)),
173 (t.create = function () {
174 return new Sha256(e);
175 }),
176 (t.update = function (e) {
177 return t.create().update(e);
178 });
179 for (var r = 0; r < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++r) {
180 var o = OUTPUT_TYPES[r];
181 t[o] = createOutputMethod(o, e);
182 }
183 return t;
184 },
185 nodeWrap = function (method, is224) {
186 var crypto = eval("require('crypto')"),
187 Buffer = eval("require('buffer').Buffer"),
188 algorithm = is224 ? 'sha224' : 'sha256',
189 nodeMethod = function (e) {
190 if ('string' == typeof e)
191 return crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(e, 'utf8').digest('hex');
192 if (null == e) throw new Error(ERROR);
193 return (
194 e.constructor === ArrayBuffer && (e = new Uint8Array(e)),
195 Array.isArray(e) || ArrayBuffer.isView(e) || e.constructor === Buffer
196 ? crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(new Buffer(e)).digest('hex')
197 : method(e)
198 );
199 };
200 return nodeMethod;
201 },
202 createHmacOutputMethod = function (e, t) {
203 return function (r, o) {
204 return new HmacSha256(r, t, !0).update(o)[e]();
205 };
206 },
207 createHmacMethod = function (e) {
208 var t = createHmacOutputMethod('hex', e);
209 (t.create = function (t) {
210 return new HmacSha256(t, e);
211 }),
212 (t.update = function (e, r) {
213 return t.create(e).update(r);
214 });
215 for (var r = 0; r < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++r) {
216 var o = OUTPUT_TYPES[r];
217 t[o] = createHmacOutputMethod(o, e);
218 }
219 return t;
220 };
221 function Sha256(e, t) {
222 t
223 ? ((blocks[0] =
224 blocks[16] =
225 blocks[1] =
226 blocks[2] =
227 blocks[3] =
228 blocks[4] =
229 blocks[5] =
230 blocks[6] =
231 blocks[7] =
232 blocks[8] =
233 blocks[9] =
234 blocks[10] =
235 blocks[11] =
236 blocks[12] =
237 blocks[13] =
238 blocks[14] =
239 blocks[15] =
240 0),
241 (this.blocks = blocks))
242 : (this.blocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
243 e
244 ? ((this.h0 = 3238371032),
245 (this.h1 = 914150663),
246 (this.h2 = 812702999),
247 (this.h3 = 4144912697),
248 (this.h4 = 4290775857),
249 (this.h5 = 1750603025),
250 (this.h6 = 1694076839),
251 (this.h7 = 3204075428))
252 : ((this.h0 = 1779033703),
253 (this.h1 = 3144134277),
254 (this.h2 = 1013904242),
255 (this.h3 = 2773480762),
256 (this.h4 = 1359893119),
257 (this.h5 = 2600822924),
258 (this.h6 = 528734635),
259 (this.h7 = 1541459225)),
260 (this.block = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0),
261 (this.finalized = this.hashed = !1),
262 (this.first = !0),
263 (this.is224 = e);
264 }
265 function HmacSha256(e, t, r) {
266 var o,
267 n = typeof e;
268 if ('string' === n) {
269 var i,
270 s = [],
271 a = e.length,
272 c = 0;
273 for (o = 0; o < a; ++o)
274 (i = e.charCodeAt(o)) < 128
275 ? (s[c++] = i)
276 : i < 2048
277 ? ((s[c++] = 192 | (i >> 6)), (s[c++] = 128 | (63 & i)))
278 : i < 55296 || i >= 57344
279 ? ((s[c++] = 224 | (i >> 12)),
280 (s[c++] = 128 | ((i >> 6) & 63)),
281 (s[c++] = 128 | (63 & i)))
282 : ((i = 65536 + (((1023 & i) << 10) | (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++o)))),
283 (s[c++] = 240 | (i >> 18)),
284 (s[c++] = 128 | ((i >> 12) & 63)),
285 (s[c++] = 128 | ((i >> 6) & 63)),
286 (s[c++] = 128 | (63 & i)));
287 e = s;
288 } else {
289 if ('object' !== n) throw new Error(ERROR);
290 if (null === e) throw new Error(ERROR);
291 if (ARRAY_BUFFER && e.constructor === ArrayBuffer) e = new Uint8Array(e);
292 else if (!(Array.isArray(e) || (ARRAY_BUFFER && ArrayBuffer.isView(e))))
293 throw new Error(ERROR);
294 }
295 e.length > 64 && (e = new Sha256(t, !0).update(e).array());
296 var u = [],
297 l = [];
298 for (o = 0; o < 64; ++o) {
299 var d = e[o] || 0;
300 (u[o] = 92 ^ d), (l[o] = 54 ^ d);
301 }
302 Sha256.call(this, t, r),
303 this.update(l),
304 (this.oKeyPad = u),
305 (this.inner = !0),
306 (this.sharedMemory = r);
307 }
308 (Sha256.prototype.update = function (e) {
309 if (!this.finalized) {
310 var t,
311 r = typeof e;
312 if ('string' !== r) {
313 if ('object' !== r) throw new Error(ERROR);
314 if (null === e) throw new Error(ERROR);
315 if (ARRAY_BUFFER && e.constructor === ArrayBuffer) e = new Uint8Array(e);
316 else if (!(Array.isArray(e) || (ARRAY_BUFFER && ArrayBuffer.isView(e))))
317 throw new Error(ERROR);
318 t = !0;
319 }
320 for (var o, n, i = 0, s = e.length, a = this.blocks; i < s; ) {
321 if (
322 (this.hashed &&
323 ((this.hashed = !1),
324 (a[0] = this.block),
325 (a[16] =
326 a[1] =
327 a[2] =
328 a[3] =
329 a[4] =
330 a[5] =
331 a[6] =
332 a[7] =
333 a[8] =
334 a[9] =
335 a[10] =
336 a[11] =
337 a[12] =
338 a[13] =
339 a[14] =
340 a[15] =
341 0)),
342 t)
343 )
344 for (n = this.start; i < s && n < 64; ++i) a[n >> 2] |= e[i] << SHIFT[3 & n++];
345 else
346 for (n = this.start; i < s && n < 64; ++i)
347 (o = e.charCodeAt(i)) < 128
348 ? (a[n >> 2] |= o << SHIFT[3 & n++])
349 : o < 2048
350 ? ((a[n >> 2] |= (192 | (o >> 6)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]),
351 (a[n >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & o)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]))
352 : o < 55296 || o >= 57344
353 ? ((a[n >> 2] |= (224 | (o >> 12)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]),
354 (a[n >> 2] |= (128 | ((o >> 6) & 63)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]),
355 (a[n >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & o)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]))
356 : ((o = 65536 + (((1023 & o) << 10) | (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++i)))),
357 (a[n >> 2] |= (240 | (o >> 18)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]),
358 (a[n >> 2] |= (128 | ((o >> 12) & 63)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]),
359 (a[n >> 2] |= (128 | ((o >> 6) & 63)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]),
360 (a[n >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & o)) << SHIFT[3 & n++]));
361 (this.lastByteIndex = n),
362 (this.bytes += n - this.start),
363 n >= 64
364 ? ((this.block = a[16]), (this.start = n - 64), this.hash(), (this.hashed = !0))
365 : (this.start = n);
366 }
367 return (
368 this.bytes > 4294967295 &&
369 ((this.hBytes += (this.bytes / 4294967296) << 0),
370 (this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296)),
371 this
372 );
373 }
374 }),
375 (Sha256.prototype.finalize = function () {
376 if (!this.finalized) {
377 this.finalized = !0;
378 var e = this.blocks,
379 t = this.lastByteIndex;
380 (e[16] = this.block),
381 (e[t >> 2] |= EXTRA[3 & t]),
382 (this.block = e[16]),
383 t >= 56 &&
384 (this.hashed || this.hash(),
385 (e[0] = this.block),
386 (e[16] =
387 e[1] =
388 e[2] =
389 e[3] =
390 e[4] =
391 e[5] =
392 e[6] =
393 e[7] =
394 e[8] =
395 e[9] =
396 e[10] =
397 e[11] =
398 e[12] =
399 e[13] =
400 e[14] =
401 e[15] =
402 0)),
403 (e[14] = (this.hBytes << 3) | (this.bytes >>> 29)),
404 (e[15] = this.bytes << 3),
405 this.hash();
406 }
407 }),
408 (Sha256.prototype.hash = function () {
409 var e,
410 t,
411 r,
412 o,
413 n,
414 i,
415 s = this.h0,
416 a = this.h1,
417 c = this.h2,
418 u = this.h3,
419 l = this.h4,
420 d = this.h5,
421 h = this.h6,
422 f = this.h7,
423 p = this.blocks;
424 for (e = 16; e < 64; ++e)
425 p[e] =
426 (p[e - 16] +
427 ((((t = p[e - 15]) >>> 7) | (t << 25)) ^ ((t >>> 18) | (t << 14)) ^ (t >>> 3)) +
428 p[e - 7] +
429 ((((t = p[e - 2]) >>> 17) | (t << 15)) ^ ((t >>> 19) | (t << 13)) ^ (t >>> 10))) <<
430 0;
431 for (i = a & c, e = 0; e < 64; e += 4)
432 this.first
433 ? (this.is224
434 ? ((r = 300032),
435 (f = ((t = p[0] - 1413257819) - 150054599) << 0),
436 (u = (t + 24177077) << 0))
437 : ((r = 704751109),
438 (f = ((t = p[0] - 210244248) - 1521486534) << 0),
439 (u = (t + 143694565) << 0)),
440 (this.first = !1))
441 : ((f =
442 (u +
443 (t =
444 f +
445 (((l >>> 6) | (l << 26)) ^ ((l >>> 11) | (l << 21)) ^ ((l >>> 25) | (l << 7))) +
446 ((l & d) ^ (~l & h)) +
447 K[e] +
448 p[e])) <<
449 0),
450 (u =
451 (t +
452 ((((s >>> 2) | (s << 30)) ^ ((s >>> 13) | (s << 19)) ^ ((s >>> 22) | (s << 10))) +
453 ((r = s & a) ^ (s & c) ^ i))) <<
454 0)),
455 (h =
456 (c +
457 (t =
458 h +
459 (((f >>> 6) | (f << 26)) ^ ((f >>> 11) | (f << 21)) ^ ((f >>> 25) | (f << 7))) +
460 ((f & l) ^ (~f & d)) +
461 K[e + 1] +
462 p[e + 1])) <<
463 0),
464 (c =
465 (t +
466 ((((u >>> 2) | (u << 30)) ^ ((u >>> 13) | (u << 19)) ^ ((u >>> 22) | (u << 10))) +
467 ((o = u & s) ^ (u & a) ^ r))) <<
468 0),
469 (d =
470 (a +
471 (t =
472 d +
473 (((h >>> 6) | (h << 26)) ^ ((h >>> 11) | (h << 21)) ^ ((h >>> 25) | (h << 7))) +
474 ((h & f) ^ (~h & l)) +
475 K[e + 2] +
476 p[e + 2])) <<
477 0),
478 (a =
479 (t +
480 ((((c >>> 2) | (c << 30)) ^ ((c >>> 13) | (c << 19)) ^ ((c >>> 22) | (c << 10))) +
481 ((n = c & u) ^ (c & s) ^ o))) <<
482 0),
483 (l =
484 (s +
485 (t =
486 l +
487 (((d >>> 6) | (d << 26)) ^ ((d >>> 11) | (d << 21)) ^ ((d >>> 25) | (d << 7))) +
488 ((d & h) ^ (~d & f)) +
489 K[e + 3] +
490 p[e + 3])) <<
491 0),
492 (s =
493 (t +
494 ((((a >>> 2) | (a << 30)) ^ ((a >>> 13) | (a << 19)) ^ ((a >>> 22) | (a << 10))) +
495 ((i = a & c) ^ (a & u) ^ n))) <<
496 0);
497 (this.h0 = (this.h0 + s) << 0),
498 (this.h1 = (this.h1 + a) << 0),
499 (this.h2 = (this.h2 + c) << 0),
500 (this.h3 = (this.h3 + u) << 0),
501 (this.h4 = (this.h4 + l) << 0),
502 (this.h5 = (this.h5 + d) << 0),
503 (this.h6 = (this.h6 + h) << 0),
504 (this.h7 = (this.h7 + f) << 0);
505 }),
506 (Sha256.prototype.hex = function () {
507 this.finalize();
508 var e = this.h0,
509 t = this.h1,
510 r = this.h2,
511 o = this.h3,
512 n = this.h4,
513 i = this.h5,
514 s = this.h6,
515 a = this.h7,
516 c =
517 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 28) & 15] +
518 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 24) & 15] +
519 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 20) & 15] +
520 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 16) & 15] +
521 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 12) & 15] +
522 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 8) & 15] +
523 HEX_CHARS[(e >> 4) & 15] +
524 HEX_CHARS[15 & e] +
525 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 28) & 15] +
526 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 24) & 15] +
527 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 20) & 15] +
528 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 16) & 15] +
529 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 12) & 15] +
530 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 8) & 15] +
531 HEX_CHARS[(t >> 4) & 15] +
532 HEX_CHARS[15 & t] +
533 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 28) & 15] +
534 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 24) & 15] +
535 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 20) & 15] +
536 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 16) & 15] +
537 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 12) & 15] +
538 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 8) & 15] +
539 HEX_CHARS[(r >> 4) & 15] +
540 HEX_CHARS[15 & r] +
541 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 28) & 15] +
542 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 24) & 15] +
543 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 20) & 15] +
544 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 16) & 15] +
545 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 12) & 15] +
546 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 8) & 15] +
547 HEX_CHARS[(o >> 4) & 15] +
548 HEX_CHARS[15 & o] +
549 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 28) & 15] +
550 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 24) & 15] +
551 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 20) & 15] +
552 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 16) & 15] +
553 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 12) & 15] +
554 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 8) & 15] +
555 HEX_CHARS[(n >> 4) & 15] +
556 HEX_CHARS[15 & n] +
557 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 28) & 15] +
558 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 24) & 15] +
559 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 20) & 15] +
560 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 16) & 15] +
561 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 12) & 15] +
562 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 8) & 15] +
563 HEX_CHARS[(i >> 4) & 15] +
564 HEX_CHARS[15 & i] +
565 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 28) & 15] +
566 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 24) & 15] +
567 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 20) & 15] +
568 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 16) & 15] +
569 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 12) & 15] +
570 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 8) & 15] +
571 HEX_CHARS[(s >> 4) & 15] +
572 HEX_CHARS[15 & s];
573 return (
574 this.is224 ||
575 (c +=
576 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 28) & 15] +
577 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 24) & 15] +
578 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 20) & 15] +
579 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 16) & 15] +
580 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 12) & 15] +
581 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 8) & 15] +
582 HEX_CHARS[(a >> 4) & 15] +
583 HEX_CHARS[15 & a]),
584 c
585 );
586 }),
587 (Sha256.prototype.toString = Sha256.prototype.hex),
588 (Sha256.prototype.digest = function () {
589 this.finalize();
590 var e = this.h0,
591 t = this.h1,
592 r = this.h2,
593 o = this.h3,
594 n = this.h4,
595 i = this.h5,
596 s = this.h6,
597 a = this.h7,
598 c = [
599 (e >> 24) & 255,
600 (e >> 16) & 255,
601 (e >> 8) & 255,
602 255 & e,
603 (t >> 24) & 255,
604 (t >> 16) & 255,
605 (t >> 8) & 255,
606 255 & t,
607 (r >> 24) & 255,
608 (r >> 16) & 255,
609 (r >> 8) & 255,
610 255 & r,
611 (o >> 24) & 255,
612 (o >> 16) & 255,
613 (o >> 8) & 255,
614 255 & o,
615 (n >> 24) & 255,
616 (n >> 16) & 255,
617 (n >> 8) & 255,
618 255 & n,
619 (i >> 24) & 255,
620 (i >> 16) & 255,
621 (i >> 8) & 255,
622 255 & i,
623 (s >> 24) & 255,
624 (s >> 16) & 255,
625 (s >> 8) & 255,
626 255 & s,
627 ];
628 return this.is224 || c.push((a >> 24) & 255, (a >> 16) & 255, (a >> 8) & 255, 255 & a), c;
629 }),
630 (Sha256.prototype.array = Sha256.prototype.digest),
631 (Sha256.prototype.arrayBuffer = function () {
632 this.finalize();
633 var e = new ArrayBuffer(this.is224 ? 28 : 32),
634 t = new DataView(e);
635 return (
636 t.setUint32(0, this.h0),
637 t.setUint32(4, this.h1),
638 t.setUint32(8, this.h2),
639 t.setUint32(12, this.h3),
640 t.setUint32(16, this.h4),
641 t.setUint32(20, this.h5),
642 t.setUint32(24, this.h6),
643 this.is224 || t.setUint32(28, this.h7),
644 e
645 );
646 }),
647 (HmacSha256.prototype = new Sha256()),
648 (HmacSha256.prototype.finalize = function () {
649 if ((Sha256.prototype.finalize.call(this), this.inner)) {
650 this.inner = !1;
651 var e = this.array();
652 Sha256.call(this, this.is224, this.sharedMemory),
653 this.update(this.oKeyPad),
654 this.update(e),
655 Sha256.prototype.finalize.call(this);
656 }
657 });
658 var exports = createMethod();
659 (exports.sha256 = exports),
660 (exports.sha224 = createMethod(!0)),
661 (exports.sha256.hmac = createHmacMethod()),
662 (exports.sha224.hmac = createHmacMethod(!0)),
664 ? (module.exports = exports)
665 : ((root.sha256 = exports.sha256), (root.sha224 = exports.sha224));
666 })();
668if ('undefined' == typeof Promise)
669 throw Error(
670 'Keycloak requires an environment that supports Promises. Make sure that you include the appropriate polyfill.'
671 );
672function Keycloak(e) {
673 if (!(this instanceof Keycloak))
674 throw new Error("The 'Keycloak' constructor must be invoked with 'new'.");
675 for (
676 var t,
677 r,
678 o = this,
679 n = [],
680 i = { enable: !0, callbackList: [], interval: 5 },
681 s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
682 a = 0;
683 a < s.length;
684 a++
685 )
686 (-1 === s[a].src.indexOf('keycloak.js') && -1 === s[a].src.indexOf('keycloak.min.js')) ||
687 -1 === s[a].src.indexOf('version=') ||
688 (o.iframeVersion = s[a].src.substring(s[a].src.indexOf('version=') + 8).split('&')[0]);
689 var c = !0,
690 u = H(console.info),
691 l = H(console.warn);
692 function d(e, t) {
693 for (
694 var r = (function (e) {
695 var t = null,
696 r = window.crypto || window.msCrypto;
697 if (r && r.getRandomValues && window.Uint8Array)
698 return (t = new Uint8Array(e)), r.getRandomValues(t), t;
699 t = new Array(e);
700 for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) t[o] = Math.floor(256 * Math.random());
701 return t;
702 })(e),
703 o = new Array(e),
704 n = 0;
705 n < e;
706 n++
707 )
708 o[n] = t.charCodeAt(r[n] % t.length);
709 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, o);
710 }
711 function h() {
712 return void 0 !== o.authServerUrl
713 ? '/' == o.authServerUrl.charAt(o.authServerUrl.length - 1)
714 ? o.authServerUrl + 'realms/' + encodeURIComponent(o.realm)
715 : o.authServerUrl + '/realms/' + encodeURIComponent(o.realm)
716 : void 0;
717 }
718 function f(e, t) {
719 var r = e.code,
720 n = e.error,
721 i = e.prompt,
722 s = new Date().getTime();
723 if ((e.kc_action_status && o.onActionUpdate && o.onActionUpdate(e.kc_action_status), n))
724 if ('none' != i) {
725 var a = { error: n, error_description: e.error_description };
726 o.onAuthError && o.onAuthError(a), t && t.setError(a);
727 } else t && t.setSuccess();
728 else if (
729 ('standard' != o.flow &&
730 (e.access_token || e.id_token) &&
731 f(e.access_token, null, e.id_token, !0),
732 'implicit' != o.flow && r)
733 ) {
734 var l = 'code=' + r + '&grant_type=authorization_code',
735 d = o.endpoints.token(),
736 h = new XMLHttpRequest();
737 h.open('POST', d, !0),
738 h.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
739 (l += '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(o.clientId)),
740 (l += '&redirect_uri=' + e.redirectUri),
741 e.pkceCodeVerifier && (l += '&code_verifier=' + e.pkceCodeVerifier),
742 (h.withCredentials = !0),
743 (h.onreadystatechange = function () {
744 if (4 == h.readyState)
745 if (200 == h.status) {
746 var e = JSON.parse(h.responseText);
747 f(e.access_token, e.refresh_token, e.id_token, 'standard' === o.flow), _();
748 } else o.onAuthError && o.onAuthError(), t && t.setError();
749 }),
750 h.send(l);
751 }
752 function f(r, n, i, a) {
753 g(r, n, i, (s = (s + new Date().getTime()) / 2)),
754 c &&
755 ((o.tokenParsed && o.tokenParsed.nonce != e.storedNonce) ||
756 (o.refreshTokenParsed && o.refreshTokenParsed.nonce != e.storedNonce) ||
757 (o.idTokenParsed && o.idTokenParsed.nonce != e.storedNonce))
758 ? (u('[KEYCLOAK] Invalid nonce, clearing token'), o.clearToken(), t && t.setError())
759 : a && (o.onAuthSuccess && o.onAuthSuccess(), t && t.setSuccess());
760 }
761 }
762 function p(e) {
763 return 0 == e.status && e.responseText && e.responseURL.startsWith('file:');
764 }
765 function g(e, t, r, n) {
766 if (
767 (o.tokenTimeoutHandle && (clearTimeout(o.tokenTimeoutHandle), (o.tokenTimeoutHandle = null)),
768 t
769 ? ((o.refreshToken = t), (o.refreshTokenParsed = k(t)))
770 : (delete o.refreshToken, delete o.refreshTokenParsed),
771 r ? ((o.idToken = r), (o.idTokenParsed = k(r))) : (delete o.idToken, delete o.idTokenParsed),
772 e)
773 ) {
774 if (
775 ((o.token = e),
776 (o.tokenParsed = k(e)),
777 (o.sessionId = o.tokenParsed.session_state),
778 (o.authenticated = !0),
779 (o.subject = o.tokenParsed.sub),
780 (o.realmAccess = o.tokenParsed.realm_access),
781 (o.resourceAccess = o.tokenParsed.resource_access),
782 n && (o.timeSkew = Math.floor(n / 1e3) - o.tokenParsed.iat),
783 null != o.timeSkew &&
784 (u(
785 '[KEYCLOAK] Estimated time difference between browser and server is ' +
786 o.timeSkew +
787 ' seconds'
788 ),
789 o.onTokenExpired))
790 ) {
791 var i = 1e3 * (o.tokenParsed.exp - new Date().getTime() / 1e3 + o.timeSkew);
792 u('[KEYCLOAK] Token expires in ' + Math.round(i / 1e3) + ' s'),
793 i <= 0 ? o.onTokenExpired() : (o.tokenTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(o.onTokenExpired, i));
794 }
795 } else
796 delete o.token,
797 delete o.tokenParsed,
798 delete o.subject,
799 delete o.realmAccess,
800 delete o.resourceAccess,
801 (o.authenticated = !1);
802 }
803 function k(e) {
804 switch ((e = (e = (e = e.split('.')[1]).replace(/-/g, '+')).replace(/_/g, '/')).length % 4) {
805 case 0:
806 break;
807 case 2:
808 e += '==';
809 break;
810 case 3:
811 e += '=';
812 break;
813 default:
814 throw 'Invalid token';
815 }
816 return (e = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(e)))), JSON.parse(e);
817 }
818 function m() {
819 var e = '0123456789abcdef',
820 t = d(36, e).split('');
821 return (
822 (t[14] = '4'),
823 (t[19] = e.substr((3 & t[19]) | 8, 1)),
824 (t[8] = t[13] = t[18] = t[23] = '-'),
825 t.join('')
826 );
827 }
828 function v(e) {
829 var t = (function (e) {
830 var t;
831 switch (o.flow) {
832 case 'standard':
833 t = ['code', 'state', 'session_state', 'kc_action_status'];
834 break;
835 case 'implicit':
836 t = [
837 'access_token',
838 'token_type',
839 'id_token',
840 'state',
841 'session_state',
842 'expires_in',
843 'kc_action_status',
844 ];
845 break;
846 case 'hybrid':
847 t = [
848 'access_token',
849 'token_type',
850 'id_token',
851 'code',
852 'state',
853 'session_state',
854 'expires_in',
855 'kc_action_status',
856 ];
857 }
858 t.push('error'), t.push('error_description'), t.push('error_uri');
859 var r,
860 n,
861 i = e.indexOf('?'),
862 s = e.indexOf('#');
863 if (
864 ('query' === o.responseMode && -1 !== i
865 ? ((r = e.substring(0, i)),
866 '' !== (n = w(e.substring(i + 1, -1 !== s ? s : e.length), t)).paramsString &&
867 (r += '?' + n.paramsString),
868 -1 !== s && (r += e.substring(s)))
869 : 'fragment' === o.responseMode &&
870 -1 !== s &&
871 ((r = e.substring(0, s)),
872 '' !== (n = w(e.substring(s + 1), t)).paramsString && (r += '#' + n.paramsString)),
873 n && n.oauthParams)
874 )
875 if ('standard' === o.flow || 'hybrid' === o.flow) {
876 if ((n.oauthParams.code || n.oauthParams.error) && n.oauthParams.state)
877 return (n.oauthParams.newUrl = r), n.oauthParams;
878 } else if (
879 'implicit' === o.flow &&
880 (n.oauthParams.access_token || n.oauthParams.error) &&
881 n.oauthParams.state
882 )
883 return (n.oauthParams.newUrl = r), n.oauthParams;
884 })(e);
885 if (t) {
886 var n = r.get(t.state);
887 return (
888 n &&
889 ((t.valid = !0),
890 (t.redirectUri = n.redirectUri),
891 (t.storedNonce = n.nonce),
892 (t.prompt = n.prompt),
893 (t.pkceCodeVerifier = n.pkceCodeVerifier)),
894 t
895 );
896 }
897 }
898 function w(e, t) {
899 for (
900 var r = e.split('&'), o = { paramsString: '', oauthParams: {} }, n = 0;
901 n < r.length;
902 n++
903 ) {
904 var i = r[n].indexOf('='),
905 s = r[n].slice(0, i);
906 -1 !== t.indexOf(s)
907 ? (o.oauthParams[s] = r[n].slice(i + 1))
908 : ('' !== o.paramsString && (o.paramsString += '&'), (o.paramsString += r[n]));
909 }
910 return o;
911 }
912 function y() {
913 var e = {
914 setSuccess: function (t) {
915 e.resolve(t);
916 },
917 setError: function (t) {
918 e.reject(t);
919 },
920 };
921 return (
922 (e.promise = new Promise(function (t, r) {
923 (e.resolve = t), (e.reject = r);
924 })),
925 e
926 );
927 }
928 function S() {
929 var e = y();
930 if (!i.enable) return e.setSuccess(), e.promise;
931 if (i.iframe) return e.setSuccess(), e.promise;
932 var t = document.createElement('iframe');
933 (i.iframe = t),
934 (t.onload = function () {
935 var t = o.endpoints.authorize();
936 (i.iframeOrigin =
937 '/' === t.charAt(0)
938 ? window.location.origin
939 ? window.location.origin
940 : window.location.protocol +
941 '//' +
942 window.location.hostname +
943 (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : '')
944 : t.substring(0, t.indexOf('/', 8))),
945 e.setSuccess();
946 });
947 var r = o.endpoints.checkSessionIframe();
948 return (
949 t.setAttribute('src', r),
950 t.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'),
951 t.setAttribute('title', 'keycloak-session-iframe'),
952 (t.style.display = 'none'),
953 document.body.appendChild(t),
954 window.addEventListener(
955 'message',
956 function (e) {
957 if (
958 e.origin === i.iframeOrigin &&
959 i.iframe.contentWindow === e.source &&
960 ('unchanged' == e.data || 'changed' == e.data || 'error' == e.data)
961 ) {
962 'unchanged' != e.data && o.clearToken();
963 for (
964 var t = i.callbackList.splice(0, i.callbackList.length), r = t.length - 1;
965 r >= 0;
966 --r
967 ) {
968 var n = t[r];
969 'error' == e.data ? n.setError() : n.setSuccess('unchanged' == e.data);
970 }
971 }
972 },
973 !1
974 ),
975 e.promise
976 );
977 }
978 function _() {
979 i.enable &&
980 o.token &&
981 setTimeout(function () {
982 A().then(function (e) {
983 e && _();
984 });
985 }, 1e3 * i.interval);
986 }
987 function A() {
988 var e = y();
989 if (i.iframe && i.iframeOrigin) {
990 var t = o.clientId + ' ' + (o.sessionId ? o.sessionId : '');
991 i.callbackList.push(e),
992 1 == i.callbackList.length && i.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(t, i.iframeOrigin);
993 } else e.setSuccess();
994 return e.promise;
995 }
996 function b() {
997 var e = y();
998 if (i.enable || o.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri) {
999 var t = document.createElement('iframe');
1000 t.setAttribute('src', o.endpoints.thirdPartyCookiesIframe()),
1001 t.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'),
1002 t.setAttribute('title', 'keycloak-3p-check-iframe'),
1003 (t.style.display = 'none'),
1004 document.body.appendChild(t);
1005 var r = function (n) {
1006 t.contentWindow === n.source &&
1007 (('supported' !== n.data && 'unsupported' !== n.data) ||
1008 ('unsupported' === n.data &&
1009 ((i.enable = !1),
1010 o.silentCheckSsoFallback && (o.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri = !1),
1011 l(
1012 "[KEYCLOAK] 3rd party cookies aren't supported by this browser. checkLoginIframe and silent check-sso are not available."
1013 )),
1014 document.body.removeChild(t),
1015 window.removeEventListener('message', r),
1016 e.setSuccess()));
1017 };
1018 window.addEventListener('message', r, !1);
1019 } else e.setSuccess();
1020 return (function (e, t, r) {
1021 var o = null,
1022 n = new Promise(function (e, r) {
1023 o = setTimeout(function () {
1024 r({ error: 'Timeout when waiting for 3rd party check iframe message.' });
1025 }, t);
1026 });
1027 return Promise.race([e, n]).finally(function () {
1028 clearTimeout(o);
1029 });
1030 })(e.promise, o.messageReceiveTimeout);
1031 }
1032 function R(e) {
1033 if (!e || 'default' == e)
1034 return {
1035 login: function (e) {
1036 return window.location.assign(o.createLoginUrl(e)), y().promise;
1037 },
1038 logout: function (e) {
1039 return window.location.replace(o.createLogoutUrl(e)), y().promise;
1040 },
1041 register: function (e) {
1042 return window.location.assign(o.createRegisterUrl(e)), y().promise;
1043 },
1044 accountManagement: function () {
1045 var e = o.createAccountUrl();
1046 if (void 0 === e) throw 'Not supported by the OIDC server';
1047 return (window.location.href = e), y().promise;
1048 },
1049 redirectUri: function (e, t) {
1050 return e && e.redirectUri ? e.redirectUri : o.redirectUri ? o.redirectUri : location.href;
1051 },
1052 };
1053 if ('cordova' == e) {
1054 i.enable = !1;
1055 var t = function (e, t, r) {
1056 return window.cordova && window.cordova.InAppBrowser
1057 ? window.cordova.InAppBrowser.open(e, t, r)
1058 : window.open(e, t, r);
1059 },
1060 r = function (e) {
1061 var t = (function (e) {
1062 return e && e.cordovaOptions
1063 ? Object.keys(e.cordovaOptions).reduce(function (t, r) {
1064 return (t[r] = e.cordovaOptions[r]), t;
1065 }, {})
1066 : {};
1067 })(e);
1068 return (
1069 (t.location = 'no'),
1070 e && 'none' == e.prompt && (t.hidden = 'yes'),
1071 (function (e) {
1072 return Object.keys(e)
1073 .reduce(function (t, r) {
1074 return t.push(r + '=' + e[r]), t;
1075 }, [])
1076 .join(',');
1077 })(t)
1078 );
1079 },
1080 n = o.redirectUri || 'http://localhost';
1081 return {
1082 login: function (e) {
1083 var i = y(),
1084 s = r(e),
1085 a = o.createLoginUrl(e),
1086 c = t(a, '_blank', s),
1087 u = !1,
1088 l = !1,
1089 d = function () {
1090 (l = !0), c.close();
1091 };
1092 return (
1093 c.addEventListener('loadstart', function (e) {
1094 0 == e.url.indexOf(n) && (f(v(e.url), i), d(), (u = !0));
1095 }),
1096 c.addEventListener('loaderror', function (e) {
1097 u || (0 == e.url.indexOf(n) ? (f(v(e.url), i), d(), (u = !0)) : (i.setError(), d()));
1098 }),
1099 c.addEventListener('exit', function (e) {
1100 l || i.setError({ reason: 'closed_by_user' });
1101 }),
1102 i.promise
1103 );
1104 },
1105 logout: function (e) {
1106 var r,
1107 i = y(),
1108 s = o.createLogoutUrl(e),
1109 a = t(s, '_blank', 'location=no,hidden=yes,clearcache=yes');
1110 return (
1111 a.addEventListener('loadstart', function (e) {
1112 0 == e.url.indexOf(n) && a.close();
1113 }),
1114 a.addEventListener('loaderror', function (e) {
1115 0 == e.url.indexOf(n) || (r = !0), a.close();
1116 }),
1117 a.addEventListener('exit', function (e) {
1118 r ? i.setError() : (o.clearToken(), i.setSuccess());
1119 }),
1120 i.promise
1121 );
1122 },
1123 register: function (e) {
1124 var i = y(),
1125 s = o.createRegisterUrl(),
1126 a = r(e),
1127 c = t(s, '_blank', a);
1128 return (
1129 c.addEventListener('loadstart', function (e) {
1130 0 == e.url.indexOf(n) && (c.close(), f(v(e.url), i));
1131 }),
1132 i.promise
1133 );
1134 },
1135 accountManagement: function () {
1136 var e = o.createAccountUrl();
1137 if (void 0 === e) throw 'Not supported by the OIDC server';
1138 var r = t(e, '_blank', 'location=no');
1139 r.addEventListener('loadstart', function (e) {
1140 0 == e.url.indexOf(n) && r.close();
1141 });
1142 },
1143 redirectUri: function (e) {
1144 return n;
1145 },
1146 };
1147 }
1148 if ('cordova-native' == e)
1149 return (
1150 (i.enable = !1),
1151 {
1152 login: function (e) {
1153 var t = y(),
1154 r = o.createLoginUrl(e);
1155 return (
1156 universalLinks.subscribe('keycloak', function (e) {
1157 universalLinks.unsubscribe('keycloak'),
1158 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.close(),
1159 f(v(e.url), t);
1160 }),
1161 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.openUrl(r),
1162 t.promise
1163 );
1164 },
1165 logout: function (e) {
1166 var t = y(),
1167 r = o.createLogoutUrl(e);
1168 return (
1169 universalLinks.subscribe('keycloak', function (e) {
1170 universalLinks.unsubscribe('keycloak'),
1171 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.close(),
1172 o.clearToken(),
1173 t.setSuccess();
1174 }),
1175 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.openUrl(r),
1176 t.promise
1177 );
1178 },
1179 register: function (e) {
1180 var t = y(),
1181 r = o.createRegisterUrl(e);
1182 return (
1183 universalLinks.subscribe('keycloak', function (e) {
1184 universalLinks.unsubscribe('keycloak'),
1185 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.close(),
1186 f(v(e.url), t);
1187 }),
1188 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.openUrl(r),
1189 t.promise
1190 );
1191 },
1192 accountManagement: function () {
1193 var e = o.createAccountUrl();
1194 if (void 0 === e) throw 'Not supported by the OIDC server';
1195 window.cordova.plugins.browsertab.openUrl(e);
1196 },
1197 redirectUri: function (e) {
1198 return e && e.redirectUri
1199 ? e.redirectUri
1200 : o.redirectUri
1201 ? o.redirectUri
1202 : 'http://localhost';
1203 },
1204 }
1205 );
1206 throw 'invalid adapter type: ' + e;
1207 }
1208 (o.init = function (n) {
1209 if (o.didInitialize) throw new Error("A 'Keycloak' instance can only be initialized once.");
1210 if (
1211 ((o.didInitialize = !0),
1212 (o.authenticated = !1),
1213 (r = (function () {
1214 try {
1215 return new E();
1216 } catch (e) {}
1217 return new C();
1218 })()),
1219 (t =
1220 n && ['default', 'cordova', 'cordova-native'].indexOf(n.adapter) > -1
1221 ? R(n.adapter)
1222 : n && 'object' == typeof n.adapter
1223 ? n.adapter
1224 : window.Cordova || window.cordova
1225 ? R('cordova')
1226 : R()),
1227 n)
1228 ) {
1229 if (
1230 (void 0 !== n.useNonce && (c = n.useNonce),
1231 void 0 !== n.checkLoginIframe && (i.enable = n.checkLoginIframe),
1232 n.checkLoginIframeInterval && (i.interval = n.checkLoginIframeInterval),
1233 'login-required' === n.onLoad && (o.loginRequired = !0),
1234 n.responseMode)
1235 ) {
1236 if ('query' !== n.responseMode && 'fragment' !== n.responseMode)
1237 throw 'Invalid value for responseMode';
1238 o.responseMode = n.responseMode;
1239 }
1240 if (n.flow) {
1241 switch (n.flow) {
1242 case 'standard':
1243 o.responseType = 'code';
1244 break;
1245 case 'implicit':
1246 o.responseType = 'id_token token';
1247 break;
1248 case 'hybrid':
1249 o.responseType = 'code id_token token';
1250 break;
1251 default:
1252 throw 'Invalid value for flow';
1253 }
1254 o.flow = n.flow;
1255 }
1256 if (
1257 (null != n.timeSkew && (o.timeSkew = n.timeSkew),
1258 n.redirectUri && (o.redirectUri = n.redirectUri),
1259 n.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri && (o.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri = n.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri),
1260 (o.silentCheckSsoFallback =
1261 'boolean' != typeof n.silentCheckSsoFallback || n.silentCheckSsoFallback),
1262 n.pkceMethod)
1263 ) {
1264 if ('S256' !== n.pkceMethod) throw 'Invalid value for pkceMethod';
1265 o.pkceMethod = n.pkceMethod;
1266 }
1267 (o.enableLogging = 'boolean' == typeof n.enableLogging && n.enableLogging),
1268 'string' == typeof n.scope && (o.scope = n.scope),
1269 (o.messageReceiveTimeout =
1270 'number' == typeof n.messageReceiveTimeout && n.messageReceiveTimeout > 0
1271 ? n.messageReceiveTimeout
1272 : 1e4);
1273 }
1274 o.responseMode || (o.responseMode = 'fragment'),
1275 o.responseType || ((o.responseType = 'code'), (o.flow = 'standard'));
1276 var s = y(),
1277 a = y();
1278 a.promise
1279 .then(function () {
1280 o.onReady && o.onReady(o.authenticated), s.setSuccess(o.authenticated);
1281 })
1282 .catch(function (e) {
1283 s.setError(e);
1284 });
1285 var u = (function (t) {
1286 var r,
1287 n = y();
1288 function i(e) {
1289 o.endpoints = e
1290 ? {
1291 authorize: function () {
1292 return e.authorization_endpoint;
1293 },
1294 token: function () {
1295 return e.token_endpoint;
1296 },
1297 logout: function () {
1298 if (!e.end_session_endpoint) throw 'Not supported by the OIDC server';
1299 return e.end_session_endpoint;
1300 },
1301 checkSessionIframe: function () {
1302 if (!e.check_session_iframe) throw 'Not supported by the OIDC server';
1303 return e.check_session_iframe;
1304 },
1305 register: function () {
1306 throw 'Redirection to "Register user" page not supported in standard OIDC mode';
1307 },
1308 userinfo: function () {
1309 if (!e.userinfo_endpoint) throw 'Not supported by the OIDC server';
1310 return e.userinfo_endpoint;
1311 },
1312 }
1313 : {
1314 authorize: function () {
1315 return h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/auth';
1316 },
1317 token: function () {
1318 return h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/token';
1319 },
1320 logout: function () {
1321 return h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/logout';
1322 },
1323 checkSessionIframe: function () {
1324 var e = h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/login-status-iframe.html';
1325 return o.iframeVersion && (e = e + '?version=' + o.iframeVersion), e;
1326 },
1327 thirdPartyCookiesIframe: function () {
1328 var e = h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/3p-cookies/step1.html';
1329 return o.iframeVersion && (e = e + '?version=' + o.iframeVersion), e;
1330 },
1331 register: function () {
1332 return h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/registrations';
1333 },
1334 userinfo: function () {
1335 return h() + '/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo';
1336 },
1337 };
1338 }
1339 if ((e ? 'string' == typeof e && (r = e) : (r = 'keycloak.json'), r))
1340 (c = new XMLHttpRequest()).open('GET', r, !0),
1341 c.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'),
1342 (c.onreadystatechange = function () {
1343 if (4 == c.readyState)
1344 if (200 == c.status || p(c)) {
1345 var e = JSON.parse(c.responseText);
1346 (o.authServerUrl = e['auth-server-url']),
1347 (o.realm = e.realm),
1348 (o.clientId = e.resource),
1349 i(null),
1350 n.setSuccess();
1351 } else n.setError();
1352 }),
1353 c.send();
1354 else {
1355 if (!e.clientId) throw 'clientId missing';
1356 o.clientId = e.clientId;
1357 var s = e.oidcProvider;
1358 if (s) {
1359 var a, c;
1360 'string' == typeof s
1361 ? ((a =
1362 '/' == s.charAt(s.length - 1)
1363 ? s + '.well-known/openid-configuration'
1364 : s + '/.well-known/openid-configuration'),
1365 (c = new XMLHttpRequest()).open('GET', a, !0),
1366 c.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'),
1367 (c.onreadystatechange = function () {
1368 4 == c.readyState &&
1369 (200 == c.status || p(c)
1370 ? (i(JSON.parse(c.responseText)), n.setSuccess())
1371 : n.setError());
1372 }),
1373 c.send())
1374 : (i(s), n.setSuccess());
1375 } else {
1376 if (!e.url)
1377 for (var u = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), l = 0; l < u.length; l++)
1378 if (u[l].src.match(/.*keycloak\.js/)) {
1379 e.url = u[l].src.substr(0, u[l].src.indexOf('/js/keycloak.js'));
1380 break;
1381 }
1382 if (!e.realm) throw 'realm missing';
1383 (o.authServerUrl = e.url), (o.realm = e.realm), i(null), n.setSuccess();
1384 }
1385 }
1386 return n.promise;
1387 })();
1388 function l() {
1389 var e = function (e) {
1390 e || (r.prompt = 'none'),
1391 n && n.locale && (r.locale = n.locale),
1392 o
1393 .login(r)
1394 .then(function () {
1395 a.setSuccess();
1396 })
1397 .catch(function (e) {
1398 a.setError(e);
1399 });
1400 },
1401 t = function () {
1402 var e = document.createElement('iframe'),
1403 t = o.createLoginUrl({ prompt: 'none', redirectUri: o.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri });
1404 e.setAttribute('src', t),
1405 e.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'),
1406 e.setAttribute('title', 'keycloak-silent-check-sso'),
1407 (e.style.display = 'none'),
1408 document.body.appendChild(e);
1409 var r = function (t) {
1410 t.origin === window.location.origin &&
1411 e.contentWindow === t.source &&
1412 (f(v(t.data), a),
1413 document.body.removeChild(e),
1414 window.removeEventListener('message', r));
1415 };
1416 window.addEventListener('message', r);
1417 },
1418 r = {};
1419 switch (n.onLoad) {
1420 case 'check-sso':
1421 i.enable
1422 ? S().then(function () {
1423 A()
1424 .then(function (r) {
1425 r ? a.setSuccess() : o.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri ? t() : e(!1);
1426 })
1427 .catch(function (e) {
1428 a.setError(e);
1429 });
1430 })
1431 : o.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri
1432 ? t()
1433 : e(!1);
1434 break;
1435 case 'login-required':
1436 e(!0);
1437 break;
1438 default:
1439 throw 'Invalid value for onLoad';
1440 }
1441 }
1442 function d() {
1443 var e = v(window.location.href);
1444 if ((e && window.history.replaceState(window.history.state, null, e.newUrl), e && e.valid))
1445 return S()
1446 .then(function () {
1447 f(e, a);
1448 })
1449 .catch(function (e) {
1450 a.setError(e);
1451 });
1452 n
1453 ? n.token && n.refreshToken
1454 ? (g(n.token, n.refreshToken, n.idToken),
1455 i.enable
1456 ? S().then(function () {
1457 A()
1458 .then(function (e) {
1459 e
1460 ? (o.onAuthSuccess && o.onAuthSuccess(), a.setSuccess(), _())
1461 : a.setSuccess();
1462 })
1463 .catch(function (e) {
1464 a.setError(e);
1465 });
1466 })
1467 : o
1468 .updateToken(-1)
1469 .then(function () {
1470 o.onAuthSuccess && o.onAuthSuccess(), a.setSuccess();
1471 })
1472 .catch(function (e) {
1473 o.onAuthError && o.onAuthError(), n.onLoad ? l() : a.setError(e);
1474 }))
1475 : n.onLoad
1476 ? l()
1477 : a.setSuccess()
1478 : a.setSuccess();
1479 }
1480 return (
1481 u.then(function () {
1482 (function () {
1483 var e = y(),
1484 t = function () {
1485 ('interactive' !== document.readyState && 'complete' !== document.readyState) ||
1486 (document.removeEventListener('readystatechange', t), e.setSuccess());
1487 };
1488 return document.addEventListener('readystatechange', t), t(), e.promise;
1489 })()
1490 .then(b)
1491 .then(d)
1492 .catch(function (e) {
1493 s.setError(e);
1494 });
1495 }),
1496 u.catch(function (e) {
1497 s.setError(e);
1498 }),
1499 s.promise
1500 );
1501 }),
1502 (o.login = function (e) {
1503 return t.login(e);
1504 }),
1505 (o.createLoginUrl = function (e) {
1506 var n,
1507 i = m(),
1508 s = m(),
1509 a = t.redirectUri(e),
1510 u = { state: i, nonce: s, redirectUri: encodeURIComponent(a) };
1511 e && e.prompt && (u.prompt = e.prompt),
1512 (n = e && 'register' == e.action ? o.endpoints.register() : o.endpoints.authorize());
1513 var l = (e && e.scope) || o.scope;
1514 l ? -1 === l.indexOf('openid') && (l = 'openid ' + l) : (l = 'openid');
1515 var h =
1516 n +
1517 '?client_id=' +
1518 encodeURIComponent(o.clientId) +
1519 '&redirect_uri=' +
1520 encodeURIComponent(a) +
1521 '&state=' +
1522 encodeURIComponent(i) +
1523 '&response_mode=' +
1524 encodeURIComponent(o.responseMode) +
1525 '&response_type=' +
1526 encodeURIComponent(o.responseType) +
1527 '&scope=' +
1528 encodeURIComponent(l);
1529 if (
1530 (c && (h = h + '&nonce=' + encodeURIComponent(s)),
1531 e && e.prompt && (h += '&prompt=' + encodeURIComponent(e.prompt)),
1532 e && e.maxAge && (h += '&max_age=' + encodeURIComponent(e.maxAge)),
1533 e && e.loginHint && (h += '&login_hint=' + encodeURIComponent(e.loginHint)),
1534 e && e.idpHint && (h += '&kc_idp_hint=' + encodeURIComponent(e.idpHint)),
1535 e &&
1536 e.action &&
1537 'register' != e.action &&
1538 (h += '&kc_action=' + encodeURIComponent(e.action)),
1539 e && e.locale && (h += '&ui_locales=' + encodeURIComponent(e.locale)),
1540 e && e.acr)
1541 ) {
1542 var f = JSON.stringify({ id_token: { acr: e.acr } });
1543 h += '&claims=' + encodeURIComponent(f);
1544 }
1545 if (o.pkceMethod) {
1546 var p = d(96, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789');
1547 u.pkceCodeVerifier = p;
1548 var g = (function (e, t) {
1549 if ('S256' === e) {
1550 var r = new Uint8Array(sha256.arrayBuffer(t));
1551 return base64Js
1552 .fromByteArray(r)
1553 .replace(/\+/g, '-')
1554 .replace(/\//g, '_')
1555 .replace(/\=/g, '');
1556 }
1557 throw 'Invalid value for pkceMethod';
1558 })(o.pkceMethod, p);
1559 (h += '&code_challenge=' + g), (h += '&code_challenge_method=' + o.pkceMethod);
1560 }
1561 return r.add(u), h;
1562 }),
1563 (o.logout = function (e) {
1564 return t.logout(e);
1565 }),
1566 (o.createLogoutUrl = function (e) {
1567 var r =
1568 o.endpoints.logout() +
1569 '?client_id=' +
1570 encodeURIComponent(o.clientId) +
1571 '&post_logout_redirect_uri=' +
1572 encodeURIComponent(t.redirectUri(e, !1));
1573 return o.idToken && (r += '&id_token_hint=' + encodeURIComponent(o.idToken)), r;
1574 }),
1575 (o.register = function (e) {
1576 return t.register(e);
1577 }),
1578 (o.createRegisterUrl = function (e) {
1579 return e || (e = {}), (e.action = 'register'), o.createLoginUrl(e);
1580 }),
1581 (o.createAccountUrl = function (e) {
1582 var r = h(),
1583 n = void 0;
1584 return (
1585 void 0 !== r &&
1586 (n =
1587 r +
1588 '/account?referrer=' +
1589 encodeURIComponent(o.clientId) +
1590 '&referrer_uri=' +
1591 encodeURIComponent(t.redirectUri(e))),
1592 n
1593 );
1594 }),
1595 (o.accountManagement = function () {
1596 return t.accountManagement();
1597 }),
1598 (o.hasRealmRole = function (e) {
1599 var t = o.realmAccess;
1600 return !!t && t.roles.indexOf(e) >= 0;
1601 }),
1602 (o.hasResourceRole = function (e, t) {
1603 if (!o.resourceAccess) return !1;
1604 var r = o.resourceAccess[t || o.clientId];
1605 return !!r && r.roles.indexOf(e) >= 0;
1606 }),
1607 (o.loadUserProfile = function () {
1608 var e = h() + '/account',
1609 t = new XMLHttpRequest();
1610 t.open('GET', e, !0),
1611 t.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'),
1612 t.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'bearer ' + o.token);
1613 var r = y();
1614 return (
1615 (t.onreadystatechange = function () {
1616 4 == t.readyState &&
1617 (200 == t.status
1618 ? ((o.profile = JSON.parse(t.responseText)), r.setSuccess(o.profile))
1619 : r.setError());
1620 }),
1621 t.send(),
1622 r.promise
1623 );
1624 }),
1625 (o.loadUserInfo = function () {
1626 var e = o.endpoints.userinfo(),
1627 t = new XMLHttpRequest();
1628 t.open('GET', e, !0),
1629 t.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'),
1630 t.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'bearer ' + o.token);
1631 var r = y();
1632 return (
1633 (t.onreadystatechange = function () {
1634 4 == t.readyState &&
1635 (200 == t.status
1636 ? ((o.userInfo = JSON.parse(t.responseText)), r.setSuccess(o.userInfo))
1637 : r.setError());
1638 }),
1639 t.send(),
1640 r.promise
1641 );
1642 }),
1643 (o.isTokenExpired = function (e) {
1644 if (!o.tokenParsed || (!o.refreshToken && 'implicit' != o.flow)) throw 'Not authenticated';
1645 if (null == o.timeSkew)
1646 return u('[KEYCLOAK] Unable to determine if token is expired as timeskew is not set'), !0;
1647 var t = o.tokenParsed.exp - Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1e3) + o.timeSkew;
1648 if (e) {
1649 if (isNaN(e)) throw 'Invalid minValidity';
1650 t -= e;
1651 }
1652 return t < 0;
1653 }),
1654 (o.updateToken = function (e) {
1655 var t = y();
1656 if (!o.refreshToken) return t.setError(), t.promise;
1657 e = e || 5;
1658 var r = function () {
1659 var r = !1;
1660 if (
1661 (-1 == e
1662 ? ((r = !0), u('[KEYCLOAK] Refreshing token: forced refresh'))
1663 : (o.tokenParsed && !o.isTokenExpired(e)) ||
1664 ((r = !0), u('[KEYCLOAK] Refreshing token: token expired')),
1665 r)
1666 ) {
1667 var i = 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=' + o.refreshToken,
1668 s = o.endpoints.token();
1669 if ((n.push(t), 1 == n.length)) {
1670 var a = new XMLHttpRequest();
1671 a.open('POST', s, !0),
1672 a.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
1673 (a.withCredentials = !0),
1674 (i += '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(o.clientId));
1675 var c = new Date().getTime();
1676 (a.onreadystatechange = function () {
1677 if (4 == a.readyState)
1678 if (200 == a.status) {
1679 u('[KEYCLOAK] Token refreshed'), (c = (c + new Date().getTime()) / 2);
1680 var e = JSON.parse(a.responseText);
1681 g(e.access_token, e.refresh_token, e.id_token, c),
1682 o.onAuthRefreshSuccess && o.onAuthRefreshSuccess();
1683 for (var t = n.pop(); null != t; t = n.pop()) t.setSuccess(!0);
1684 } else
1685 for (
1686 l('[KEYCLOAK] Failed to refresh token'),
1687 400 == a.status && o.clearToken(),
1688 o.onAuthRefreshError && o.onAuthRefreshError(),
1689 t = n.pop();
1690 null != t;
1691 t = n.pop()
1692 )
1693 t.setError(!0);
1694 }),
1695 a.send(i);
1696 }
1697 } else t.setSuccess(!1);
1698 };
1699 return (
1700 i.enable
1701 ? A()
1702 .then(function () {
1703 r();
1704 })
1705 .catch(function (e) {
1706 t.setError(e);
1707 })
1708 : r(),
1709 t.promise
1710 );
1711 }),
1712 (o.clearToken = function () {
1713 o.token &&
1714 (g(null, null, null), o.onAuthLogout && o.onAuthLogout(), o.loginRequired && o.login());
1715 });
1716 var E = function () {
1717 if (!(this instanceof E)) return new E();
1718 function e() {
1719 for (var e = new Date().getTime(), t = 0; t < localStorage.length; t++) {
1720 var r = localStorage.key(t);
1721 if (r && 0 == r.indexOf('kc-callback-')) {
1722 var o = localStorage.getItem(r);
1723 if (o)
1724 try {
1725 var n = JSON.parse(o).expires;
1726 (!n || n < e) && localStorage.removeItem(r);
1727 } catch (e) {
1728 localStorage.removeItem(r);
1729 }
1730 }
1731 }
1732 }
1733 localStorage.setItem('kc-test', 'test'),
1734 localStorage.removeItem('kc-test'),
1735 (this.get = function (t) {
1736 if (t) {
1737 var r = 'kc-callback-' + t,
1738 o = localStorage.getItem(r);
1739 return o && (localStorage.removeItem(r), (o = JSON.parse(o))), e(), o;
1740 }
1741 }),
1742 (this.add = function (t) {
1743 e();
1744 var r = 'kc-callback-' + t.state;
1745 (t.expires = new Date().getTime() + 36e5), localStorage.setItem(r, JSON.stringify(t));
1746 });
1747 },
1748 C = function () {
1749 if (!(this instanceof C)) return new C();
1750 var e = this;
1751 (e.get = function (e) {
1752 if (e) {
1753 var n = r('kc-callback-' + e);
1754 return o('kc-callback-' + e, '', t(-100)), n ? JSON.parse(n) : void 0;
1755 }
1756 }),
1757 (e.add = function (e) {
1758 o('kc-callback-' + e.state, JSON.stringify(e), t(60));
1759 }),
1760 (e.removeItem = function (e) {
1761 o(e, '', t(-100));
1762 });
1763 var t = function (e) {
1764 var t = new Date();
1765 return t.setTime(t.getTime() + 60 * e * 1e3), t;
1766 },
1767 r = function (e) {
1768 for (var t = e + '=', r = document.cookie.split(';'), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
1769 for (var n = r[o]; ' ' == n.charAt(0); ) n = n.substring(1);
1770 if (0 == n.indexOf(t)) return n.substring(t.length, n.length);
1771 }
1772 return '';
1773 },
1774 o = function (e, t, r) {
1775 var o = e + '=' + t + '; expires=' + r.toUTCString() + '; ';
1776 document.cookie = o;
1777 };
1778 };
1779 function H(e) {
1780 return function () {
1781 o.enableLogging && e.apply(console, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
1782 };
1783 }
1785var appendParentOriginIntoUrl = function (e, t) {
1786 if (window !== window.parent)
1787 try {
1788 var r,
1789 o,
1790 n = document.referrer,
1791 i = n.split('/')[2];
1792 t && (console.info('DOCUMENT REFERRER: ', n), console.info('DOCUMENT REFERRER HOST: ', i));
1793 var s = null == (r = window.location.ancestorOrigins) ? void 0 : r[0],
1794 a = null == s || null == (o = s.split('/')) ? void 0 : o[2];
1795 t && (console.info('ANCESTOR ORIGIN: ', s), console.info('ANCESTOR ORIGIN HOST: ', a));
1796 var c =
1797 window.location !== window.parent.location
1798 ? null != i
1799 ? i
1800 : a
1801 : window.location.hostname;
1802 t && console.info('WINK PARENT ORIGIN HOST: ', c),
1803 (e = e + '&wink-parent-origin=' + encodeURIComponent(c));
1804 } catch (e) {
1805 console.error('Unable to add wink parent origin query param due to error: ', e);
1806 }
1807 return e;
1808 },
1809 defaultKeycloakInitConfig = {
1810 onLoad: 'check-sso',
1811 pkceMethod: 'S256',
1812 silentCheckSsoRedirectUri: window.location.origin + '/silent-check-sso.html',
1813 checkLoginIframe: !0,
1814 silentCheckSsoFallback: !0,
1815 enableLogging: !0,
1816 },
1817 getUrl = function (e) {
1818 var t = e.authServerUrl,
1819 r = e.realm;
1820 return t
1821 ? '/' === t.charAt(t.length - 1)
1822 ? t + 'realms/' + encodeURIComponent(r)
1823 : t + '/realms/' + encodeURIComponent(r)
1824 : null;
1825 },
1826 getRedirectUri = function (e, t) {
1827 return null != t && t.redirectUri
1828 ? t.redirectUri
1829 : e.redirectUri
1830 ? e.redirectUri
1831 : location.href;
1832 },
1833 getLogoutUrl = function (e, t) {
1834 var r = e.idToken,
1835 o = e.clientId;
1836 return (
1837 getUrl(e) +
1838 '/winklogout?post_logout_redirect_uri=' +
1839 encodeURIComponent(getRedirectUri(e, t)) +
1840 '&id_token_hint=' +
1841 encodeURIComponent(r) +
1842 '&client_id=' +
1843 encodeURIComponent(o)
1844 );
1845 },
1846 changeUrlWithoutReloading = function (e) {
1847 history.pushState({ page: e }, '', e);
1848 },
1849 getUrlParamValue = function (e) {
1850 var t = window.location.search;
1851 return new URLSearchParams(t).get(e);
1852 },
1853 removeUrlParam = function (e) {
1854 var t = window.location,
1855 r = removeParameterFromUrl(t.href, e);
1856 changeUrlWithoutReloading(r);
1857 },
1858 removeParameterFromUrl = function (e, t) {
1859 var r = new URL(e),
1860 o = r.searchParams;
1861 return o.delete(t), (r.search = o.toString()), r.toString();
1862 },
1863 winkSetCookie = function (e, t, r) {
1864 void 0 === r && (r = 1);
1865 var o = new Date();
1866 o.setTime(o.getTime() + 24 * r * 60 * 60 * 1e3);
1867 var n = 'expires=' + o.toUTCString();
1868 document.cookie = e + '=' + t + ';' + n + ';path=/';
1869 },
1870 winkGetCookie = function (e) {
1871 for (
1872 var t = e + '=', r = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(';'), o = 0;
1873 o < r.length;
1874 o++
1875 ) {
1876 for (var n = r[o]; ' ' == n.charAt(0); ) n = n.substring(1);
1877 if (0 == n.indexOf(t)) return n.substring(t.length, n.length);
1878 }
1879 return '';
1880 },
1881 winkEraseCookie = function (e) {
1882 document.cookie = e + '=; Max-Age=-99999999;';
1883 };
1884function _catch(e, t) {
1885 try {
1886 var r = e();
1887 } catch (e) {
1888 return t(e);
1889 }
1890 return r && r.then ? r.then(void 0, t) : r;
1892var CustomKeycloak = /*#__PURE__*/ (function (e) {
1893 function t(t) {
1894 var r, o;
1895 return (
1896 ((o = e.call(this, t) || this).onAuthErrorFailure = void 0),
1897 (o.loggingEnabled = !0),
1898 (o.createLogoutUrl = function (e) {
1899 try {
1900 return getLogoutUrl(_assertThisInitialized(o), e);
1901 } catch (e) {
1902 throw (
1903 (o.loggingEnabled && console.error('Error while constructing the logout url: ', e), e)
1904 );
1905 }
1906 }),
1907 (o.winkInit = function (e) {
1908 try {
1909 var t = null != e ? e : {},
1910 r = t.onFailure,
1911 n = t.onSuccess,
1912 i = _catch(
1913 function () {
1914 return (
1915 o.loggingEnabled && console.debug('Calling Keycloak init.'),
1916 Promise.resolve(o.init(defaultKeycloakInitConfig)).then(function (e) {
1917 e
1918 ? (null == n || n(), winkSetCookie('wink_id_token', o.idToken))
1919 : '1' === getUrlParamValue('login_session_state') && o.winkLogin();
1920 })
1921 );
1922 },
1923 function (e) {
1924 o.loggingEnabled && console.error('Error while wink client initialization: ', e),
1925 null == r || r(e);
1926 }
1927 );
1928 return Promise.resolve(i && i.then ? i.then(function () {}) : void 0);
1929 } catch (e) {
1930 return Promise.reject(e);
1931 }
1932 }),
1933 (o.winkLogin = function (e) {
1934 try {
1935 var t = (null != e ? e : {}).onFailure,
1936 r = _catch(
1937 function () {
1938 return (
1939 o.loggingEnabled && console.debug('Calling Keycloak login.'),
1940 Promise.resolve(o.login(e)).then(function () {})
1941 );
1942 },
1943 function (e) {
1944 o.loggingEnabled && console.error('Error while wink client login: ', e),
1945 null == t || t(e);
1946 }
1947 );
1948 return Promise.resolve(r && r.then ? r.then(function () {}) : void 0);
1949 } catch (e) {
1950 return Promise.reject(e);
1951 }
1952 }),
1953 (o.winkLogout = function (e) {
1954 try {
1955 var t = (null != e ? e : {}).onFailure,
1956 r = _catch(
1957 function () {
1958 var t;
1959 return (
1960 o.loggingEnabled && console.debug('Calling Keycloak logout.'),
1961 (o.idToken = null != (t = o.idToken) ? t : winkGetCookie('wink_id_token')),
1962 winkEraseCookie('wink_id_token'),
1963 removeUrlParam('login_session_state'),
1964 Promise.resolve(o.logout(e)).then(function () {})
1965 );
1966 },
1967 function (e) {
1968 o.loggingEnabled && console.error('Error while wink client logout: ', e),
1969 null == t || t(e);
1970 }
1971 );
1972 return Promise.resolve(r && r.then ? r.then(function () {}) : void 0);
1973 } catch (e) {
1974 return Promise.reject(e);
1975 }
1976 }),
1977 (o.onAuthErrorFailure = t.onAuthErrorFailure),
1978 (o.loggingEnabled = null == (r = t.loggingEnabled) || r),
1979 o
1980 );
1981 }
1982 _inheritsLoose(t, e);
1983 var r = t.prototype;
1984 return (
1985 (r.onReady = function (e) {
1986 this.loggingEnabled &&
1987 (console.debug('Keycloak client ready.'),
1988 console.debug('Keycloak client authenticated: ', e));
1989 }),
1990 (r.onAuthError = function (e) {
1991 var t;
1992 null == (t = this.onAuthErrorFailure) || t.call(this, e),
1993 this.loggingEnabled && console.error('Keycloak client authentication error: ', e);
1994 }),
1995 t
1996 );
1997 })(Keycloak),
1998 getWinkLoginClient = function (e) {
1999 var t = new CustomKeycloak(e),
2000 r = t.createLoginUrl;
2001 return (
2002 (t.createLoginUrl = function (t) {
2003 var o,
2004 n = r.call(this, t);
2005 return appendParentOriginIntoUrl(n, null == (o = e.loggingEnabled) || o);
2006 }),
2007 t
2008 );
2009 };
2010console.info('winklogin.module.js - version 2.1.1'),
2011 (window.getWinkLoginClient = getWinkLoginClient);
2012//# sourceMappingURL=winklogin.module.js.map